Specialist care and support at home
Firstpoint Homecare is a specialist complex homecare provider, with extensive experience in complex care provision with clinical or non-clinical interventions. We work with individual’s family members, advocates and healthcare professionals to co-produce bespoke care plans designed around an individual’s unique needs to create tailored care in their own home.
Complex care is specialist tailored support for individuals with complex health needs that require extra assistance to manage their symptoms. This person-centred approach focuses on enabling a higher quality of life for the individual and them retaining their independence as much as possible. Complex care differs from domiciliary care as it often involves medical intervention and involvement with specialists such as nurses and clinicians that specialise in the individual’s particular condition.
Here at Firstpoint Homecare our bespoke complex care packages can range from spinal injuries and acquired brain injuries to degenerative and neurological conditions, learning disabilities and mental health needs. We are supported by a team of clinicians who ensure that all care and support staff are trained to a high standard to meet any clinical needs, as detailed below, though this list is not exhaustive –
We provide a range of services, from live in carers to 24-hour care packages, as well as domiciliary care visits.
We work collaboratively with individuals, family members, advocates, and healthcare professionals to co-produce bespoke care plans, designed around individuals’ unique needs. We understand the importance of having the right carer for each individual and we take pride in providing care staff suited to them and their needs. We ensure our service is designed around their needs, preferences and aspirations to support them in reaching their full potential and helping to promote their independence.
Our CQC Registered Managers write our care plans in conjunction with the client and their families / representatives; we will ensure they are outcome based and person-centred.
We are here to support and guide you through every step of the process, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We would welcome an opportunity to chat about your or your loved ones needs – we offer a no obligation home visit and are happy to provide general advice and support.
If this doesn’t sound like the care you need, see our other care options below: